Friday, October 19, 2007


The Gass family is rebuilding ... stay tuned for more information!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Family Letter to All

Hello to all,

As most of you know, my parents house burned last Saturday night. The house was totaled and it is devastating to all of us. We were at Ricky’s (my nephew) wedding reception when we heard that their house was on fire. We later watched in horror as the house blazed, and volunteer firemen worked for hours trying to contain the fire. My mom was surrounded by seven of her granddaughters (precious angels), and prayed with them that God would save everything from the
house that He wanted her to have. She is such an amazing woman of faith.

Through out the evening my dad assured all of us that “It’s just a house, no one was hurt, we can rebuild.” The next day there were about 30 family members who worked for hours sifting through rubble, burnt photo albums, laying out wet pictures to dry. The job was so overwhelming, if it weren’t for our large family we couldn’t have done it. There are so many details to attend to. It feels like we’ve spent the week planning a funeral. My dad did not have any fire alarms in the house, and we realize that had the fire occurred a few hours later, my brother, his wife, and three babies, along with my parents may have died in the house. We’ve been able to salvage a few pieces of furniture, antiques, and a 100+ year old tapestry that’s been in our family for generations. It hung above the piano- the keys are melted together, but the tapestry was fine. We are grateful for so many blessings.

My dad will be 77 this summer and is possibly having to assume another mortgage!! My parent’s home was underinsured. We are going through the process of getting as much from the insurance as possible, so that they can start over. Some community fund raisers have already been implemented. My sister’s mother-in-law has set up a donation fund at the Legacy Bank of Sparta
for anyone who feels led in the direction of making a contribution. For more information please visit the following web site: We are adding pictures of the house to the web-site.

Finally, we covet your prayers for our parents, and the hardship they are facing. The emotional process of getting over this is huge. Thanks in advance.

Christi and family

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blog opening

Hello All,
If there are any New Developments, or if you have any Greetings, Topics, or Ideas relating to the Gass family and their home please open the discussion here.
This is a new endeavor toward communication for us, we hope it works.
Thanks for your time,